Bone Marrow Donation
Hey friends!
Just wanted to give an update as to why I was out for a week with no communication. I know it should have been glorious and restful but it was one of the most nerve racking things I have done in a loonnnngggg time!
I donated bone marrow! Yikes what huh?? Here’s the run down…
On Halloween I got a call asking if I was still willing to donate my marrow either via harvest or IV. Of course I said yes, and the process began.
After at least 12 hrs on the phone (over the course of 10 weeks) doing medical surveys and 3 trips to the lab to give vials of blood (20 total…yikes)
One trip to the hospital to have a routine physical and go over the procedure
One day in the hospital for the donation itself. I was one of the 20% who have it done surgically and harvested through my back/hips.
it was super easy, since I am a healthy, younger, person.
I was put under, and I did come out of it ok, besides the nausea for the next 12 hrs it was easy.
my butt hurts still….
One week of recovery and lift restrictions
I can say I am on the road to recovery, my marrow has been shipped off and received by the person who needed it, and hopefully someday I will be able to meet them.
Anyways that is what happened here, I would do it again if needed and encourage you to sign up to be a donor too!