My personal favorites List
You know Oprah has her list of her favorite things and well I thought maybe you’d like to know all of my favorite things too! Everything from wedding day stuff to how the heck I keep my house clean and all the in between! Enjoy!!!
<<Disclaimer: This blog does contain links, I may or maynot get paid for such links, but that does not affect the amazingness of the product!>>
TOP Wedding related Items:
Photo by Sharin Shank Photography
Wooden hangers: I get mine from At Home in a packages but you can get them anywhere really. Wooden hangers are a must for having elegant dress pictures and honestly it is one thing that is often overlooked by couples.
First Aid Kit: Yep accidents happen and blisters from shoes hurt. I constantly am restocking this item in my “oh crap” bag.
Comfy Shoes: This is key! I wear 2 pairs for the day and one pair is ultra cute sneakers and the other is a pair of heels that I can live in for at least 6 hours… no joke they most comfortable shoes I own.
Then my iwatch is the best thing ever! I own the series 2 but it really is a key item on wedding days and helps keep me on schedule while looking cute with my leather band.
TOP personal and home items:
irobot mop: Seriously the best thing ever!!! Swiffer-light mop-heavy duty mop combo that cleans while I sleep, sign me up!
Amazon Echo Show: keeps us connected via video to our families that live far away, connects to the Alexa app and can make lists for me while I do other things. Super cool device and easy to use.
Grocery pick up: more and more local stores are jumping on this idea and we use it all the time. It makes grocery shopping easier, affordable, and lets be honest convenient!
Amazon Subscribe and Save: THE BEST THING SINCE SLICED BREAD!!! I’m not even lying. Toilet paper, dog food, lysol wipes, toothpaste, all the things you do not want to run out of conveniently delivered to your doorstep. IF you have not looked into this yet, do it you will not regret it!
Color Street Nails: With having Otto my budget and time for self care went out the door. That’s where this amazing product comes in. Less than 30 mins for a manicure and NO drying time!! And each set is 2 or more manicures.
Senegence products: From my long lasting makeup to the prep that goes into having a clear and radiant skin. My makeup is sweat proof and mostly smudge proof too (that’s my lipstick ladies! so kiss away!!!) . Let me know if you want to learn more or are in the hunt to try something new. Most of the products are gluten free and vegan. This company also does no animal testing and made in the USA. I have been using these products for over 2 years and haven’t turned back!
TOP baby related items:
Baby Tracker App: This is for all the soon to be parents and grandparents. WE love this app. It keeps track of diaper changes, feedings, medicines, sleep etc. Because with a new baby time passes by quickly and you have know idea what day it is let alone how long its been since the last <insert baby need> was.
Newborn Sleep Sacks: Our saving grace for getting Otto to sleep. They are zipper and can go from the top down and vice versa, which makes changing a sleeping baby 1000x easier.
Chicco Pack and Play: I like this one the best because the mattress rests firm on the floor and does not have a metal bar going through the middle. It is also SUPER easy to set up and take down. It also comes with a napper/changing pad combo. Perfect for changing Otto on the first floor without lugging him up and down the stairs, napper was great when he was tiny enough I got to get work done while he was next to me safely sleeping.
Angelcare Monitor: Being a new parent is hard. But also not sleeping is not healthy either. This montor gave us that peace. Now I am not saying this monitor is the holy grail, in lieu of safe sleep practices but it did help ease my mind and let me sleep just a tad longer. It monitors temperature of the room, has a sensor for movement/breathing, and it video/audio capabilities.
Baby Banz Ear Protection: Wow! These things are awesome. Fireworks, Sirens, Booms, Football Games, Hockey Arena… they worked and Otto didn’t flinch with the loud sounds. Crucial for him to be able to experience new environments but not get overwhelmed by sound since he is still so little and sensitive. Bonus they are one size until 2 years old!